Judul tersebut saya dapatkan di sebuah jurnal yang telah memiliki reputasi Sinta 2. Di dalam jurnal tersebut terdapat beberapa tips terkait penulisan artikel jurnal yang bagus dan layak publish. Dalam kesempatan kali ini saya mencoba mempelajari bagiamana menulis Abstrak sebuah jurnal yang bagus, dan secara umum digunakan pada jurnal-jurnal bereputasi. Tulisan ini di buat oleh bpk Ruli Charitas Indra Permana, saya kutip sebagia berikut:
"The abstract is one crucial part of the anatomy of scientific articles. This section is the key to opening the first gate that leads the reader to the overall research results to be disseminated. Also, the editors of a journal will read the abstract first before continuing to read the entire contents of the article. Usually, they read abstracts more seriously, and the rest are only read simply. If the abstract is ok, it will proceed to the next process. Therefore, the authors are expected to pay more attention to writing abstracts seriously for success in the publication of a scientific article. Five relevant keywords must be owned by an abstract. The first part is the background about why and the importance of this research. This section contains 2-3 sentences that begin by describing the ideal conditions related to the topic under study and the requirements of reality in the field related to it. Is there a gap between the perfect situation and reality? Next, in the second part, write the objectives of this study based on the difference (1 sentence). After writing down the research objectives, the third part explains the tools, materials, and methods used by the researcher in gathering the data needed to answer the research objectives (2 sentences). The fourth section discusses the way researchers in processing or analyzing data that has been collected to answer the research question or the proposed problem (1 sentence). Finally, the fifth part explores the results, discussion, and conclusions of this study (2-3 sentences). The keyword in this section is that the researcher must convince the editor regarding the contribution of the results of this study to the broader community by the field of this research. As a whole, the abstract part consists of 9-11 sentences, so that it can meet the requirements for the number of words generally possessed by a journal at intervals of 150-250 words. For your information, each journal has an abstract writing style. For this reason, it is better for an author first to read several articles that have been published in the targeting journal and follow the abstract writing style. In general, these six sections are always mandatory in the anatomy of an abstract in writing scientific articles."
Dilain kesempatan akan saya coba ulas bagaimana menulis abstrak berdasarkan tulisan tersebut, dan hasil pemikiran sendiri. Semoga bermanfaat ya sobat. Sukses selalu.
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